Why stoop so low Narendra Modi ?

the propoganda of hate is loud enough.

Allan Joshua
3 min readApr 22, 2024


The content on our feeds mirrors our thoughts and convictions, and we lap it up, all the while being convinced our point of view is the right or worse, the only right one. This turns our digital source of information into an echo chamber, leaving little to no room for our thoughts and opinions to be challenged by alternative ones, known as “disconfirming evidence.” This leads to you being isolated from anything that may oppose your point of view, putting you in an ideological bubble, while feeding and nurturing your beliefs.

This leads to polarisation due to two or more groups of people circling within their biased circles, with no intention or effort to seek information from the other circle.

This is dangerous. Do you know what this means? This means that racists find racists, nationalists find nationalists, sexists find sexists and casteists find casteists and their beliefs get stronger, with very little in the content they consume to dispute their beliefs. Even though such beliefs may be formed offline, they are fostered online.

What happens if we don’t recognize this and work on it? Long story short, you become a fanatic, or worse, an extremist.

Politcs of Hate.

In recent years, many opposition parties have used the fear that Muslims have of the BJP to unify them into a vote bank. In a similar vein, the BJP has attempted to consolidate Hindu voters through messaging based on a fear of Muslims. Multiple BJP leaders have publicly made statements such as, ‘Hindus should have at least five children to save Hindutva and at the rate the Muslim population is growing, we will see the creation of another Pakistan’.

The narrative persists with WhatsApp forwards about how the Muslim population will overtake that of Hindus in the next twenty-five, thirty, fifty years, even though all available data suggests that it is impossible.

Even if we forget that the Muslim population growth rate is declining faster than that of Hindus and assume that it stays as it was in 2011, at 24.6 per cent per decade, and the Hindu growth rate stays at 16.8 per cent per decade, Muslims will only equal the population of Hindus in the year 2274.

That would mean that the combined population of India would be around 130 billion people, or 18 times today’s world population. The best estimate from scientists today is that the earth will fail to support a population in excess of 11 to 15 billion due to resource limitations, so we can safely assume that the Muslim population isn’t going to exceed that of Hindus even in 2274.

In order to continue to win elections, the BJP would need to maintain its Hindu vote bank.

Hindu khatre mein hai — Modi and the BJP have ingrained it into the minds of people that Hindus and Hinduism are in danger, and that Modi is the only option to save ourselves. In reality, Hindus have been living the same lives much before this government and nothing has changed except people’s mindset. Were we Hindus in danger in 2007? At least I didn’t hear about it every day and I see no improvement in the condition of Hindus, just more fear-mongering and hatred.

BJP’s strategy for this next election is polarization and inciting hate. All propaganda are constructed for a very specific purpose — polarize and win elections.

